ENDER 3V3 SE/KE CoPrint KCM Install Guide

Mounting The Belt

This step is where you have to butcher your printer. To install the Chromahead, you will need to cut the brass clips at the ends of the belt. They get in the way of the Chromahead install when mounting the belt, scraping against the gantry in motion. Feel free to test the movement with the brass ends. My testing required me to remove them.  

Before cut:

After cut:

For this step, you will need the following:
(M3 square nuts, inserted into belt holder)

(M3 square nuts inserted into "Front Plate")

Loosen this tension screw here:

Screw orientation on the back plate 2 of the screws are the round-headed m3 screws from the kit. The Phillips head screws are the m3x10:

Start with the belt attached to the side shown, as close to the center as possible:

Stretch the belt to the second position as close to the center as possible:

Screw the belt to the linear rail using those extra m3x10 screws we purchased and test the engagement of the x-axis limit switch:
(Double click the video to enlarge)
*Headphone Warning*

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J. Murphy

Cybersecurity Student, Computer Scientist, Engineer, and Tinkerer. 

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J. Murphy

Cybersecurity Student, Computer Scientist, Engineer, and Tinkerer.