ENDER 3V3 SE/KE CoPrint KCM Install Guide

Preparing 3D Parts

Insert the m3 square nuts in the following parts.

This is where the extra square nuts come in.
There are six slots on the CX-1 hub for these nuts to go into.
These are the screws required to mount the hub.
I never got a measurement of how long these m3 screws were.

I mounted mine like this because there was a lack of necessary hardware.

The CX1 hub screws into the top of the printer where the old spool holder was. 

*The CX1 extruders unscrew by the plastic cover for mounting. NOT the stepper motor screws. Example*

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J. Murphy

Cybersecurity Student, Computer Scientist, Engineer, and Tinkerer. 

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J. Murphy

Cybersecurity Student, Computer Scientist, Engineer, and Tinkerer.